Location: 202 East Main St., Greenfield, IN 46140


Hours: 8 AM-7 PM, Serving hours 11-1 and 5-7 Monday through Friday. Office hours: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Delivery hours at office door (alley door) or back door: 9:00 – 11:30 AM and 1:30 – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday.

What’s Happening

Crossroads Cluster United Methodist Churchs’ Donation

From the Crossroads Cluster of United Methodist Churches – “We, the seven churches of the Crossroads Cluster of United Methodist Churches, realize that people can find themselves in difficult times including hunger, and in need of a nutritious meal. We have recognized Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen as a beacon of hope for those in need. During the season…

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Euchre Party Fundraiser – May 14!

Join us for a fun evening of euchre while raising money to support the Soup Kitchen. We will be hosting the Euchre Party starting at 5:30 on May 14 at the Elks Club of Greenfield, 820 South State St., Greenfield. Registration and food starts at 5:30 and you must be registered by 6:15. The game starts at 6:30. There…

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Our Reopening is Starting!!

We are very excited to announce that the first step in reopening the Soup Kitchen is going to happen on Monday, April 4. Starting that day masks will be optional for everyone entering the Soup Kitchen! We are hopeful that this is just the first step towards full reopening over the next month. Stay tuned for future announcements.

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Knights of Columbus Lent Food Drive

Big shout out to the Knights of Columbus hosting a Lenten food drive for the kitchen! We are so grateful to the parishioners at St. Michael’s Catholic Church for their extreme generosity. These are all items that we use on a regular basis and our stock needed boosting. The amazing thing about this is they are going to do…

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RealLife Church Volunteers

Zach and his friends from Realife Church came to help us Wednesday. Dwayne, Erica, Jaxon, Rylee, Stacy, Julia, Stephen, Amber, Jayden, Easton, and Barbara. The served a wonderful dinner, dated lots of inventory, cleaned up for the evening all the while enjoying fun and fellowship!! Thank you all!!

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Trivia Night is Back!! Sat. April 2, 2022

We are SOOO excited to announce that current plans are to have our TRIVIA NIGHT fundraiser again at the Greenfield Elks Lodge, 820 S. State Street, on Sat. April 2, 2022 at 5:30 PM for dinner. Greenfield Elks will be providing the dinner of pulled pork sandwiches, slaw, chips and soda for $7. A cash bar will be available. The…

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Blood Donation Opportunity to Help Your Neighbors – Thursday, April 7, 2022, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

PEOPLE NEED PEOPLE; MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE’S LIFE BY DONATING BLOOD. We must rely on each other for the gift of blood, and patients in our community rely on the generosity of Versiti’s blood donors at blood drives like yours to help.  Please make your appointment to donate at our upcoming blood drive with The Kenneth Butler Memorial…

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GCJHS Builders Club Donation

Thursday, March 9, I had the privilege of meeting these students from the GCJHS Builders Club.  Natalie, Gabe, Charles, Bailey, Haylee, Jon, Lillye, Reagan, Emma, Kaedynn, and Evan presented us with a check.  They sold these adorable lightbulbs filled with candy!  I was just honored to spend a few minutes with them and was so impressed.   My day was…

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