Sack Lunch Super Stars

Shout it from the rooftops!! KBMSK is starting a new club and we want YOU as a member.


Many years ago, we started sending a sack lunch home with our patrons on Friday for the weekend. They typically get a cold sandwich, chips, fresh fruit, pop tarts and assorted snacks. Get your buddies, family, small group, clubs, etc. together to help us build a sack lunch for our patrons.

Here are our current needs from our club members:

  • Individual pretzels, chips, doritos, etc.
  • Pop Tarts.
  • Individual fruit cups, apple sauce, pudding cups.
  • Individual packs of cookies.
  • Little Debbie snacks, twinkies, cupcakes, mini muffins.
  • Peanut Butter & crackers and peanut butter & cheese packages.
  • Self Standing Giant Lunch Bags.
  • Little snack boxes of raisins.

We will recognize our members monthly on social media for their contribution to our people.

Delivery hours are 9:00 – 11:30am and 1:30-4:30pm Monday – Friday. Please bring your items to the office door on the west side of the building.

Read this article from the Greenfield Daily Reporter for more information: Daily Reporter Article