HCCF Match Day Coming Soon!

On Sept. 30, Hancock County has a chance to come together to support organizations that provide vital services to individuals and families in the community. We are thrilled to be part of Match Day!

Match Day is a unique stop on the Community Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Thank You Tour: 

•    ALL community gifts will be endowed and proportionally matched with HCCF’s pool of $150,000.
•    No administrative fees will be charged on Match Day gifts.
•    60% of HCCF’s match will grow endowment funds.
•    40% of HCCF’s match will be granted for immediate use.

If you love the Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen, please show your support by donating. You can make a gift in one or all the following ways:

•    Online at giveHCgrowHC.org from Sept. 30 at 4 p.m. – Oct. 1 at 10 p.m.
•    In-person at 971 W US 40, Greenfield (cash, check, or credit card accepted) from Sept. 30 at 
4 p.m. – Oct. 1 at 10 p.m.
•    Stock gifts executed on Sept. 30. Contact us for more information!
•    IRA Required Minimum Distributions must be executed or received on Sept. 30 or Oct. 1.
•    Gifts received via mail will only be accepted if post-marked on Sept. 30 or Oct. 1.
•    Gifts can be mailed to 312 E Main St., Greenfield, IN 46140.

Find out more by visiting giveHCgrowHC.org and mark your calendar for September 30!

Don’t miss the Match Day BASH! Sat., Oct. 1 from 5 – 10 p.m. featuring food trucks and LIVE entertainment!

Thank you for your support!