We are pleased to share the following information we received regarding the Hancock County Warming Center efforts this winter. The generosity and spirit of giving in our community is amazing!
Thank you to our partners in this adventure. The COAD (Community Organizations Active in Disaster) locations were open 57 nights between 11/14/21 and 2/27/22. Hope House was open the remaining nights during that stretch and will be open tonight (February 28) and tomorrow night (March 1). Then we are declaring it to be Spring!
We had 19 different guests with an average of 4.5 guests per night and a high of 10. There were 44 volunteers who spent in excess of 1700 hours, plus host and partner hours.
One of our guests last night told Pastor Jack and I that he wasn’t sure he would have survived the winter if it hadn’t been for the center volunteers.
It’s wonderful to see our community pull together to serve those who are among the most vulnerable.
Thank you all.
Jim Peters, Co-Chair COAD