Location: 202 East Main St., Greenfield, IN 46140


Hours: 8 AM-7 PM, Serving hours 11-1 and 5-7 Monday through Friday. Office hours: 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday. Closed Saturday and Sunday. Delivery hours at office door (alley door) or back door: 9:00 – 11:30 AM and 1:30 – 4:30 PM Monday – Friday.

Jill Ebbert Nominated as Best of Hancock County!

What an honor for our fearless leader, Jill Ebbert! She has been nominated as one of the Best of Hancock County in the Volunteer/Community Contributor category. Please help us recognize her amazing contributions to the community by voting at this link, as many times as you would like!–> http://www.bestofhancockcounty.com. Voting is open July 19th – July 31st.

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Thanks for the Donation!

Mrs. Rachael Knoop’s class at Sugar Creek Elementary in New Palestine grew this kale among some other yummy vegetables.  We served it Friday as a kale broccoli casserole, with ham, corn, fruit salad and cake. Thank you to those wonderful first graders.  Job well done!

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It’s Your Shot!

Our Executive Director, Jill Ebbert, is fully vaccinated against COVID-19!  She received the Moderna shots at the Hancock County Health Department.  She had no side effects from the first shot and mild achiness and chills for a day with the second shot.  Jill believes strongly that this is our best means of reaching herd immunity.  Many thanks to all…

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June 8 – Mobile Food Pantry at Dollar General

On June 8, 2021 from 3-5 pm there will be a mobile food distribution sponsored by the Dollar General Store, in partnership with one of their vendors, Unilever. They will be distributing in the store parking lot at the Greenfield location, 1502 North State Street, Greenfield, IN. This is a drive through event. Anyone in need is welcome to…

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Buy a Car and Help KBMSK

Our friends at Dellen Automotive are having a sale in June to benefit local charities. They will be donating $100 for every car sold during the month of June. Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen, Boys and Girls Club of Hancock County and the Hope House will all benefit from their generosity. Many thanks to Dellen Automotive for their support!

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Feed the Future

We are SO EXCITED to announce that we have 4 generous donors who are offering a match for any gifts to our endowment fund from now until the end of the year!! That means if you donate $25, we get $50! Our endowment fund will pay grants to the soup kitchen every year FOREVER! That means our grandchildren, great-grandchildren…

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Amazon App Now Supports Amazon Smile!!

Want to help make a difference while you shop in the Amazon app, at no extra cost to you? Simply follow the instructions below to select “Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen Inc” as your charity and activate AmazonSmile in the app. They’ll donate a portion of your eligible mobile app purchases to us. How it works:1. Open the Amazon…

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